5 Easy Steps to collect your JAIBB/DAIBB banking diploma certificate

Prominent Banker | 5:09 PM | 2 Comments

Update: 2022
IBB has introduced online Form submission for Banking Diploma Examination as well as all other types of application such as scrutiny application, Mark sheet, Certificate, old record etc through htpps://online.ibb.org.bd from 2022.

If you are old candidate (passed before 2022), you are requested to go with manually which procedures are given bellow.

If you are new candidate (from the year 2022), you are requested to go through online. All payments must be through online for new candidates.

Banking diploma is a professional course bankers and professionals in different financial institutions. Institute of Bankers, Bangladesh (IBB) arranges banking diploma examinations in Bangladesh. Banking diploma consists of two parts such as Junior Associates of Bankers, Bangladesh (JAIBB) and Diplomade Associates of Bankers, Bangladesh (DAIBB). 

Recently 87th IBB Banking diploma result was published. Now you need to collect provisional certificate from IBB office. It has some easy steps to collect your JAIBB/DAIBB certificate. I have passed JAIBB and DAIBB and got certificate. Now i will say step by step how to collect your JAIBB/DAIBB certificate from IBB office. Read full story to know the details process.

What document you need to collect the certificate?

  • Pay Order/DD of Tk. 200/-
  • Application in prescribed format
  • Letter of authorization (if you collect certificate by third person)
  • Last admit card
*** "সাময়িক সনদপত্র" অবশ্যই খামের উপর লিখতে হবে।


Provisional certificate fee Tk. 200/-. So at first, make a Pay Order/D.D. of Tk. 200/- from any scheduled bank of Bangladesh. 


Fill up application form (prescribed format) correctly. Write your name, fathers name, Bank/FI name, roll no., enrollment no., cell no., DD/PO no. date in the application correctly. Download application form.


You need to fill up letter of authorization if are unable to go to Dhaka IBB office. You can collect your certificate by your colleagues or any third person. You must verify his/her signature in the letter of authorization. Get a sample letter of authorization from here


Now send application with PO/DD , letter of authorization and last admit card to IBB office (The Institute of Bankers , Bangladesh (IBB), Address : DR Tower (12th Floor), 65/2/2 Bir Protik Gazi Golam Dostogir Road, Purana Paltan, Dhaka-1000.) by courier service/Postal service/ Directly.


You are done. After sending all documents (Application and Pay Order/DD) to the IBB office, wait at least 02 week. IBB will process your certificate as early as possible. After become ready of your certificate, a notice will be published in IBB website. So, see certificate ready notice in ibb website and find out your roll number in the notice.If you find out your roll number, then go to IBB office and collect your certificate.

I hope this article will help you. Please share with everybody on social network.

Thank you all.

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About author:
Author is a banker and blogger. He writes on Banking diploma and professional certifications for bankers such as CDCS, CAMS etc. Now serve in a large private bank of Bangladesh.