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Preparation of CDCS examination and Text Book

You have to study by yourself to CDCS examination. Once registered a textbook is sent to every candidate by post. This text book is "The Guide to Documentary Credits" written by Gary Collyer.

This book will be your main textbook. Also you can enter ifschool's website with your password to reach online materials. Preparation for the examination usually takes six months with comprehensive learning materials provided. To get this eBook, Read full story

Study Techniques

Using your experience, think about study techniques that have helped you in the past and any others you may have come across.

Some ideas you may want to consider include:

• Summarize the main ideas in the text.
• Write study questions for self-testing based on materials in the text.
• Use the key terms to identify not only definitions but use them for review.
• Identify/flag key words, terms and concepts you do not understand or that are new to you.
• Prepare ‘flash cards’ to capture key terms, definitions, exhibits and other material that you have identified for additional study.
• Work with a partner or study group to teach and test each other
• Test yourself frequently. Do not spend time studying what you know. Use what you know for review at the end of the study process.
• What is troublesome? Identify someone to help you understand sections you do not know and find difficult.
• Use the resources available through ifs School of Finance and IFSA: Check the web site ( for the CDCS Forum, a listing of review/revision courses and other examination-related information.

• Note questions to ask others with more experience or members of your study group.

Develop a Study Plan

Once you have considered the different study options available to you, it is still important to draft a study schedule/timeframe based on your objectives and a realistic view of your time for study and preparation. Your study plan should reflect your individual preferences and methods of working. It is important to remember that a study plan is a flexible document and is both an indicator of where you are and where you want to be.

The first step you should take is to determine your personal study objectives based on the Content Outline and Study Text.

• You may find it helpful to write out your objectives and post them in a visible location.

• Advance planning will provide multiple benefits as you prepare for the CDCS examination. It will not require much time to develop a study plan, but doing so will establish your priorities. The most important part of a study plan is to identify how, when and where you want to study.

• By reviewing the CDCS Content Outline and Examination Specifications (Sections 2 and 3), you will be able to identify the areas with which you are familiar; those you wish to review in detail; and those that are new to you and need in-depth study.

• You will now be in a position to develop an overall study plan with specific timelines. In drawing up your plan, you may find the following useful:

− Prepare a study schedule — be realistic. Space your studying and allow ample time for review.

− Keep a copy of the CDCS Content Outline in a prominent place as you will refer to it often.

− Make the best of your environment. Some individuals prefer to study in a quiet place, while others prefer working with the radio or television on in the background. Whatever your preference, you can usually create the environment you want for your study session.

− Be prepared to study in free moments, whenever you can. This means identifying times that are available to you for study, such as travel time, standing in lines and queues, waiting for a meeting to start, etc.

Relax while studying

The CDCS examination is an opportunity for you to learn and to demonstrate your knowledge and ability. Maintain a positive attitude that you will be successful on the examination and will allocate the resources required to ensure success.

Do not worry about how much time is left before the examination. You have planned adequately to allow for the maximum use of your time.

Take breaks, exercise. Keep your body and mind relaxed.

BUY CDCS Text Book by Garry Collyer- Latest version (5th Edition)

A sample Study Plan is shown on the next page – you may wish to reproduce it to assist you in your preparation for the examination. 

Institute of Bankers Bangladesh

Management Accounting Question  December 2017 (Re-exam)

CDCS examination will be held on 06 & 07 April 2018 in different centres. It is internationally arranged by The London Institute of Banking & Finance with ICC (International Chamber of Commerce).

Now time is to take preparation for CDCS (Certified Documentary Credit Specialist) Examination.  This is an online based examination. see the following tips for your upcoming examination.

BUY CDCS Text Book by Garry Collyer- Latest version (5th Edition)

CDCS Tips - CDCS content outline

CDCS Tips from successful certification examination candidates

CDCS tips - CDCS study techniques and develop a study plan
Banking Diploma Examination, November-2016
Central Banking & Monetary Policy (CMP)
Time--3 hours
Full marks-100
Pass marks-50
[N.B.—The figures in the right margin indicate full mark. Please answer any five questions. Question No. 1 and 2 are compulsory]
1. Please write short notes on any five of the following :—                                            4x5=20
(a) Money Multiplier;
(b) Bangladesh Bank Order, 1972;
(c) Bank Company (Revised) Act, 2013;
(d) Floating of Taka;
(e) Convertibility of Currency;
(f) Capital adequacy of banks;
(g) Green Banking;
(h) On-line Banking;
(i) Terms of Trade;
(j) IT risks for the banks and its monitoring.
2. Distinguish between any four of the following :—                                                 5X4=20
(a) Merchant Bank and Offshore Bank;
(b) Money Laundering and Black Money; (c)Tariff and Taxes;
(d) Repo Rate and Snake in the Tunnel;
(e) Reserve and Provision for Bad deb.;
(f) Spot Rate and Forward Rate of exchange;
(g) Depreciation and Devaluation of currency;
(h) Share and Debenture;
(i) Bridge Financing and Excess Liquidity;
(j) Venture Capital and Globalization.

3. (a) What is base money and how it is related to money supply?                                     10
(b) Explain the mechanism through which Bangladesh Bank try to regulate the movement of base money.
4. (a) Who is balance of payment disequilibrium? What is the role of International Monetary Fund in intigating adverse crisis in balance of payment?
(b) Discuss the salient features of balance of payment of Bangladesh in  recent years.

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