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JAIBB Question December - 2012

BD Blogger | 10:14 PM | 0 Comments

 Banking Diploma Examination, December, 2012


Business Communication (BC)
Time—3 hours Full marks—100 Pass marlts—50

[N.B.— All questions carry equal marks. Answer any five questions in English language. Different parts, if any, of the same question must be answered in one place in order of sequence.]
  1. Describe what you understand by effective business communication. Describe the different modes of effective communication such as letters, seminars, interview and like others.
  2. To an honourable account holder write a letter regretting that you cannot sanction the car loan owing to insufficiency of security.
  3. Discuss with illustration as to how graphic aids make business reports more eflfective.
  4. Write a persuasive letter to a prospective customer of your bank trying to convince him about the new "Deposit Scheme".
  5. What are the qualities that the man on the stage presenting a business report, should possess for making an effective presentation?
  6. Write a letter as the manager of the branch to the H.O. citing some specific reasons as to why you want to shift your branch to the nearby locality.
  7. Prepare a feasibility report supporting a loan application for Tk. 2 crores on a fishery and poultry project spreading over 3 acres of land.
  8. Write short notes on any four of the following :—          
  •  Correctness of communication;
  • Board Meeting;
  • Oral Communication;
  • Welcome address in a seminar;
  • Advertisement as business communication;
  • Annual General Meeting.

Principles of Economics & Bangladesh Economy
JAIBB, December 2012


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About author:
Author is a banker and blogger. He writes on Banking diploma and professional certifications for bankers such as CDCS, CAMS etc. Now serve in a large private bank of Bangladesh.


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