DAIBB Syllabus
DAIBB Syllabus
Full Marks : 100
Module A: An Overview of Foreign Trade
Importance and Trends of International Trade
Composition and Trends of Bangladesh Foreign Trade
The Role of WTO for Removal of
Tariff and Non-Tariff Barriers
Inco-Terms Terms Used in the
International Trade
Payments and Clearing Unions—EU, NAFTA, LAFTA, ACU
Balance of Trade and Balance of Payments
Salient Features of Export and
Import Policies of Bangladesh
Incentives Including GSP for Exports from
Module B: General Knowledge Regarding
International Organizations Like
IMF, World Bank, IFC, IDA, ADB, Islamic Development Bank (IDB), etc.
Module C: Role of Banks in Foreign Trade
Methods of Settlement of Payments for International
Cross Border Fund Transfer
Systems Including SWIFT and Other Forms of Electronic Fund Transfers
Documents Used in International Trade and Their
Scrutiny by the Banks
Main Features of Uniform Customs
and Practice for Documentary Credits (UCPDC) (ICC Publication No.600)
Main Features Uniform Rules for Collection (ICC
Publication No. URC 522)
Arrangement for Settlement of
International Payments: Correspondence Relationship, Nostro And Vostro Accounts
Module D: Protection Against Risk in Foreign Trade
Precautions Against Common Frauds and Forgeries
Protection Against Political and
Economic Risks and
Export Credit Guarantee Schemes in Force in
Module E: Exchange Control Regulations
Salient Features of Foreign Exchange Regulation
Act, 1947
Control Regulations Regarding Forex Operation by Authorised Foreign Exchange Dealers
Foreign Investment in Bangladesh Including Export
Processing Zones
Special Provisions in the Anti-Money Laundering Act, 2008
Affecting International Payments
Module F:
Exchange Rates
Changing Pattern of Exchange Rates Since World War
Factors Affecting Exchange Rates
Various Types of Exchange Rates
Module G: Foreign Exchange Markets
In Bangladesh
Overseas and
Euro-Currency Market
Module H: Dealing In Foreign Exchange
Foreign Exchange Positions
Trading in Foreign Exchange
Offshore Banking Operations
Lending and Borrowing in Foreign Currencies and
Derivatives in Foreign Currencies
Module I: Financing of Foreign Trade in Bangladesh
Various Forms of Financing Exports From and Imports
into Bangladesh
Arrangements and Forms of Export
From and Imports into Bangladesh
Role of Bangladesh Bank Regarding Export and Import
Module J: Exchange Arithmetic
Selection of Buying and Selling Rates for Spot and
Forward Transactions
Calculation for Buying and
Selling Rates—Spot, Forward and SWAP—for Export and Import Bills, Investment and Other Miscellaneous
Ali, Syed Ashraf: Foreign Exchange
and Financing and Risk Management, 2nd Edition, Mowla Brothers (Dhaka, Bangladesh).
Andly, K. K. : Foreign Exchange.
Awasthi, G. D. Trade Payments (Academy of Business
Studies, Delhi, India).
Keskamat. V. V. : Foreign Exchange An Introduction.
Lall, G. S. Finance of Foreign Trade and Foreign
Exchange (HPJ Kappor, New Delhi.).
Verghese, S. K. : Foreign Exchange and Financing of
Foreign Trade.
Watson, A. J. W. : Finance of International Trade
(Institute of Bankers, London).
Whiting, D. P. : Finance of International
Trade (McDonald & Evans).
8 Wheble B. S. : Uniform Rules for
Collection (Chartered Institute of Bankers, London).
Full Marks : 100
An Overview of Banks and Non-Banks and Their Services, Economic Analysis of Financial Institutions, Impact of Govt. Policy and Regulations, Financial Statements of Financial Institutions.
Module B: Asset-Liability Management (ALM) Techniques
Asset and Liability Management Strategy, Fund Management Strategy, Interest Rate Risks-Gap and Duration Management, Futures, Options and Other ALM Techniques, Investment Functions and Instruments, Demand for Supply of Liquidity, Liquidity Problems-Strategies for Liquidity Management.
Module C: Managing Sources of Funds
Deposit and Non-Deposit Funds, Off-Balance Sheet Sources Securitization, Loan Sale etc. Management of Capital BASEL-II Framework (BB Guideline).
Module D: Profitability and Productivity and Consumers
Measuring and Evaluating Financial Institutions Performance, Camels Rating.
Module E: Risk Management of Financial Institutions
Risk Identification, Measurement, Mitigation Technique, Core Risk Management Guidelines of Bangladesh Bank, Market Risk, Operational Risk & Reputation Risk.
1. Core Risk Management Guidelines of Bangladesh Bank.
2. Mishkin, Frederic S. The Economics of Money, Banking and Financial Markets.
Harper- Collins, New York.
3.Rose, Peter S. Commercial Bank Management. IRWIN, International Edition, New York.
Full Marks : 100
Module A : Introduction of Loan Portfolio Management in Financial Institution
Credit Planning, Policy and Vision, Complete Transaction.
Module B : Principles of Good Lending and Credit Process
Different Types of Borrowers and Loan Accounts, Selection of a Borrower, Loan Interviewing and Credit Investigation, Loan Sanctioning and Disbursement Process.
Module C : Commercial Lending Environment
Characteristics of a Good Credit Officer, Features of Good Loan Policies.
Module D : Basic Financial Analysis
Financial Statement Analysis, Financial Spread Sheet: Communize and Comparative Financial
Statements, Cash Flow, Fund Flow, Ratio Analysis, Credit Scoring System.
Module E : Term Lending by Banks
Appraisal of Term Lending Cases, Technical Aspect, Marketing Aspect, Managerial Aspect, Financial Aspect and Economic Aspect, Cost of The Project and Means of Financing, Capital Budgeting Techniques, Internal Rate of Return (IRR), Economic Rate of Return (ERR), Cost-Volume-Profit Relationships.
Module F : Working Capital Lending
Requirements, Estimation and Techniques.
Module G : Financial Projection
Projected Financial Statements, Cash Budget.
Module H : Lending Risk Management
Concept and Technique, Credit Risk Grading (CRG) Techniques, Bangladesh Bank Guidelines and Regulations, Portfolio Risk Assessment and Management Technique, Asset Securitiesation, Credit Derivatives, Loan Syndication, Loan Sales etc.
Module I : Loan Structuring and Pricing
Module J : Modes of Charging Securities, Loan Documentation
Module- H : Follow-up, Repayment and Reporting, Problem Loans
Full Marks : 100
Module A: Introduction to IT and Computer Systems
Concept and Importance of IT, Role of IT in Financial and Business World. MIS. Electronic Banking and Electronic Commerce.
Computer Hardware Anatomy of Computer, Types of Computers, Central Processing Unit (CPU), Main Memory, Computer Systems, Peripheral Controllers, Peripherals (Terminal, Printer, Floppy Drive, Disk Drive, Compact Disk, Tape Drive, Cartridge, Tape Drive Graph Plotter, Mark Sense Readers, Etc.), Current Trends.
Computer Software Need for Software, What is Software ? Types of Software, Systems Software, Operating Systems, Language Translators (Compilers, Interpreters), Programming Language Data Base Management Systems (DBMS), 4th Generation Language Tools, Application Software, Application Areas, Packaged and Tailored Software, Software Development, Current Trends.
Module B: Security Considerations
Accidental Damage, Power Failures, Malicious Damage, Operational Problems, Data, Encryption and Decryption, Standards, Audit Trails. Accountability, Liability & Control ; System Vulnerability & Abuse ; Creating Control Environment ; Internet Security ; Development A Control Structure ; Ensuring System Quality.
Module C: Different Approaches to Bank Mechanization
Stand Alone Computer System, Local Area Networks (LAN), Local Processing With Batch Updates, On-Line Updates With Shadow Posting, Remote Computing Facility With Batched Input On Line Systems With Mini Computer Networking and With Mainframe Computer, Duplication of Databases at Different Levels.
Module D: Electronic Payment Systems & Funds Transfer Systems
Teller Machines at Bank Counters, Cash Dispensers, Stand Alone Automated Teller Machines (ATMs), ATM with On-Line Inquiry and Update Facilities, Home Banking & E-Commerce (Corporate and Personal).
Plain Messages (Telex or Data Communication), Structured Messages (SWIFT, Etc.), Direct Fund Settlement Systems (CHIPS, Etc.), two Level Funds Transfer Settlement (FEDWIRE, BANKWIRE Point-of Sale Systems).
Module E: Document Handling Systems, Additional Banking Applications & Other Aspects
Cheque Sorting and Balancing Systems (MICR, OCR, Etc.), Document Storage and Retrieval Systems (Microfilming), Document Transmission Systems (FAX).
Inter-Branch Reconciliation, Foreign Exchange Dealing, Investment Management Systems, Cash Management Systems, Statistical Analysis.
Personal Identification Numbers and Their Use in Conjunction with Magnetic Cards of Both Credit and Debit Types, SMART Cards, Signature Storage and Display by Electronic Means, Cheque Truncation, Microfische, Note and Coin Counting Devices.
Module F: Risk Management and Legal Framework in IT
National ICT Policy 2002, ICT Act-2006, Bangladesh Bank Guidelines, Cyber Law
1 Bajwa K.S. Bank Mechanisation (Skylark Publication).
2 Different journals and periodicals on computer.
3 Hunt R. and Shelley J. Computer and Common Sense (Prentice-Hall of India Private Limited, Latest Edition).
4 Lipis, Marschall, Linkers Electronics Banking (John Wiley and Sons).
5 Rangarajan Committee Report Mechanisation and Automation in the Banking Industry, Reserve Bank of India (1984).
6 Rajgopalan R. Understanding Computer (Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co. Ltd.)
7 Study of Use of Modern Tools in Banking (Indian Banks Association, 1993).
8 Srivastava Computer Application in Banks (Bankers Training College, Reserve Bank of India).
Full Marks : 100
Module A: Definition and Scope of Management Accounting
The Place of Management Accounting/Short comings of The Traditional Methods of Credit Analysis
Its Definition and Scope, Distinction Between Financial Accounting and Management Accounting Role of Management Accountant Analysis and Interpretation of Finance Statements.
Planning Process
Setting of Objectives
Module B: Costing and Pricing
Methods of Costing Classification of Costs Implication of Costing for Bankers
Objectives of Pricing Common Misconceptions in Pricing Cost, Volume, Profit Relationship Break-Even Analysis Limitations of Break-Even Analysis Planning for Profit.
Module C: Budgeting and Expenditure
Importance of Budgeting
Objectives of Budgeting Preparation of Budgets Importance of Budgets to Bankers, Standard Costing Control Through Budgets.
Method of Appraisal; Shortcomings of Appraisal Methods Capital Budgeting Its Importance to Lending Banker.
Module D: Planning for Liquidity
Cash Flow Forecast Objectives of Cash Flow Preparing A Cash Flow Forecast/Using The Cash Flow/Cash Flow Forecast and Lending Banker.
Statement of Sources and Application of Funds
Module E: Working Capital Management
Factors Affecting Working Capital Requirements Short Term Financial Forecasts Assessment of Working Capital Production and Operating Cycle Inventory Management Cash and Receivables Managements Methods of Financing Working Capital Different Forms of Bank Credit Management Reports Types of Information and its Relevance to Banks
Module F: Leasing and Hire Purchase
Financing Against Lease Forms of Lease Financing Economics of Leasing-Financing against Hire Purchase Agreements Relative Merits of Leasing Finance and Hire Purchase Finance from Customer"s and Lending Bank"s Point of View
1 Bhattacharya, S. K. and John Deanden Accounting for Management : Texts & Cases Hingorani & Chawla. Management Accounting (Indian Institute of Bankers, Published by Himalaya Publishing House, Mumbai, India).
2 Egginton, D. A. Accounting for the Banker, (Longman).
3 Fisher, J. Financial Analysis and Management Accounting for the Banker (The Institute of Bankers in Scotland).
4 Kuchhal, S. C. Financial Management An Analytical & Conceptual Approach.
5 Khan, Md. Mainuddin Advanced Accounting (Ideal Library Dhaka).
6 Pitcher, M. A. Management Accounting for the Lending Bankers.
1 Ahmed, A.K.N. Of Deregulation and Central Bank Autonomy. University Press Ltd, Dhaka.
2 Bangladesh Bank Publications.
3 BIS. Core Principles for Effective Banking Supervision.
4 Dekock, M.H. Central Banking
5 Mishkin, Frederic, S. The Economics of Money, Banking and Financial Markets. Harper Collins, New York.
6 Sheng, Andrew. Bank Supervision. Principles and Practice. EDI Working Paper.
7 Smith, Gray. Money, Banking and Financial Intermediation. Heath and Company, Lexington, D.C.
8 Vittas, Dimitri. Financial Regulation. The World Bank, Washington.
1 Annual Reports of BKB, RAKUB, PKSF, Bangladesh Bank Credit Norms etc
2 Ledgerwood, Joanna, Micro Finance Handbook- An Institutional and Financial Perspective, The World Bank Washington D.C
3 Wood, Geoffrey D and Sharif, Ifath A, (Ed.) Who Needs Credit-Poverty and finance in Bangladesh, UPL, Dhaka.
1 Bangladesh Bank reports
2 Reports of SME Foundations
1 Ahmed, Shaikh Mahmud. Towards Interest Free Banking. International Islamic Publisher, Delhi
2 Choudhury, Masudul Alam. Money in Islam, Routledge, London
3 Hasan, Kabir M. A Text Book on Islamic Banking
4 Hoque, Ataul, Readings in Islamic Banking Islamic Foundation Bangladesh
5 Mannan, M A, Islamic Economics- Theory and Practice, New Delhi, India
6 Rahman, M.M and Rahman, B.M.H. Islamic Finance System
7 Shaghil, M, Islamic Economics New Delhi, India
1 Different Publications of SEC, DSE and CSE.
2 Francis, J.C.-Investment (McGraw Hill, Singapore).
3 Hirt, G. A. ad Stanley B. Block-Fundamentals of Investment Management (IRWIN, U.S.A.)
4 Public Issue Rules, 1998.
5 Reily, Frank, K. and Edger A. Norton-Investments (The Dryden Press, U.S.A.)
6 Securities & Exchange Ordinance, 1969.
7 Sharpe, W.F.-Investments (Prentice-Hall Inc., U.S.A.)
8 Avw_K cwZ b AvBb, 1993
9 wmwKDwiwUR I GP Kwgkb (wgDPzqvj dv) (1993 mvbi 15 bs AvBb)
10 wmwKDwiwUR I GP Kwgkb AvBb, 1993 (1993 mbi 15 bs AvBb)
Full Marks : 100
An Overview of Banks and Non-Banks and Their Services, Economic Analysis of Financial Institutions, Impact of Govt. Policy and Regulations, Financial Statements of Financial Institutions.
Module B: Asset-Liability Management (ALM) Techniques
Asset and Liability Management Strategy, Fund Management Strategy, Interest Rate Risks-Gap and Duration Management, Futures, Options and Other ALM Techniques, Investment Functions and Instruments, Demand for Supply of Liquidity, Liquidity Problems-Strategies for Liquidity Management.
Module C: Managing Sources of Funds
Deposit and Non-Deposit Funds, Off-Balance Sheet Sources Securitization, Loan Sale etc. Management of Capital BASEL-II Framework (BB Guideline).
Module D: Profitability and Productivity and Consumers
Measuring and Evaluating Financial Institutions Performance, Camels Rating.
Module E: Risk Management of Financial Institutions
Risk Identification, Measurement, Mitigation Technique, Core Risk Management Guidelines of Bangladesh Bank, Market Risk, Operational Risk & Reputation Risk.
1. Core Risk Management Guidelines of Bangladesh Bank.
2. Mishkin, Frederic S. The Economics of Money, Banking and Financial Markets.
Harper- Collins, New York.
3.Rose, Peter S. Commercial Bank Management. IRWIN, International Edition, New York.
Full Marks : 100
Module A : Introduction of Loan Portfolio Management in Financial Institution
Credit Planning, Policy and Vision, Complete Transaction.
Module B : Principles of Good Lending and Credit Process
Different Types of Borrowers and Loan Accounts, Selection of a Borrower, Loan Interviewing and Credit Investigation, Loan Sanctioning and Disbursement Process.
Module C : Commercial Lending Environment
Characteristics of a Good Credit Officer, Features of Good Loan Policies.
Module D : Basic Financial Analysis
Financial Statement Analysis, Financial Spread Sheet: Communize and Comparative Financial
Statements, Cash Flow, Fund Flow, Ratio Analysis, Credit Scoring System.
Module E : Term Lending by Banks
Appraisal of Term Lending Cases, Technical Aspect, Marketing Aspect, Managerial Aspect, Financial Aspect and Economic Aspect, Cost of The Project and Means of Financing, Capital Budgeting Techniques, Internal Rate of Return (IRR), Economic Rate of Return (ERR), Cost-Volume-Profit Relationships.
Module F : Working Capital Lending
Requirements, Estimation and Techniques.
Module G : Financial Projection
Projected Financial Statements, Cash Budget.
Module H : Lending Risk Management
Concept and Technique, Credit Risk Grading (CRG) Techniques, Bangladesh Bank Guidelines and Regulations, Portfolio Risk Assessment and Management Technique, Asset Securitiesation, Credit Derivatives, Loan Syndication, Loan Sales etc.
Module I : Loan Structuring and Pricing
Module J : Modes of Charging Securities, Loan Documentation
Module- H : Follow-up, Repayment and Reporting, Problem Loans
1 Bedi, H.L. and V.K. Hardikar. Practical Banking Advances.
Institute of Banking Studies, India.
2 IBB guidelines and Circulars.
3 Morsman, Jr. Edgar M. Commercial Loan Portfolio Management.
Robert Morris Associates, U.S.A
4 Ruth, George E. Commercial Lending. American Bankers Association, U.S.A.
5 Signoriello, Vincent J. Commercial Loan Practices and Operations.
Bankers Publishing Company, U.S.A.
6 Simha, S.L.N. Credit Management. IFMR, Madras.
Institute of Banking Studies, India.
2 IBB guidelines and Circulars.
3 Morsman, Jr. Edgar M. Commercial Loan Portfolio Management.
Robert Morris Associates, U.S.A
4 Ruth, George E. Commercial Lending. American Bankers Association, U.S.A.
5 Signoriello, Vincent J. Commercial Loan Practices and Operations.
Bankers Publishing Company, U.S.A.
6 Simha, S.L.N. Credit Management. IFMR, Madras.
Full Marks : 100
Module A: Introduction to IT and Computer Systems
Concept and Importance of IT, Role of IT in Financial and Business World. MIS. Electronic Banking and Electronic Commerce.
Computer Hardware Anatomy of Computer, Types of Computers, Central Processing Unit (CPU), Main Memory, Computer Systems, Peripheral Controllers, Peripherals (Terminal, Printer, Floppy Drive, Disk Drive, Compact Disk, Tape Drive, Cartridge, Tape Drive Graph Plotter, Mark Sense Readers, Etc.), Current Trends.
Computer Software Need for Software, What is Software ? Types of Software, Systems Software, Operating Systems, Language Translators (Compilers, Interpreters), Programming Language Data Base Management Systems (DBMS), 4th Generation Language Tools, Application Software, Application Areas, Packaged and Tailored Software, Software Development, Current Trends.
Module B: Security Considerations
Accidental Damage, Power Failures, Malicious Damage, Operational Problems, Data, Encryption and Decryption, Standards, Audit Trails. Accountability, Liability & Control ; System Vulnerability & Abuse ; Creating Control Environment ; Internet Security ; Development A Control Structure ; Ensuring System Quality.
Module C: Different Approaches to Bank Mechanization
Stand Alone Computer System, Local Area Networks (LAN), Local Processing With Batch Updates, On-Line Updates With Shadow Posting, Remote Computing Facility With Batched Input On Line Systems With Mini Computer Networking and With Mainframe Computer, Duplication of Databases at Different Levels.
Module D: Electronic Payment Systems & Funds Transfer Systems
Teller Machines at Bank Counters, Cash Dispensers, Stand Alone Automated Teller Machines (ATMs), ATM with On-Line Inquiry and Update Facilities, Home Banking & E-Commerce (Corporate and Personal).
Plain Messages (Telex or Data Communication), Structured Messages (SWIFT, Etc.), Direct Fund Settlement Systems (CHIPS, Etc.), two Level Funds Transfer Settlement (FEDWIRE, BANKWIRE Point-of Sale Systems).
Module E: Document Handling Systems, Additional Banking Applications & Other Aspects
Cheque Sorting and Balancing Systems (MICR, OCR, Etc.), Document Storage and Retrieval Systems (Microfilming), Document Transmission Systems (FAX).
Inter-Branch Reconciliation, Foreign Exchange Dealing, Investment Management Systems, Cash Management Systems, Statistical Analysis.
Personal Identification Numbers and Their Use in Conjunction with Magnetic Cards of Both Credit and Debit Types, SMART Cards, Signature Storage and Display by Electronic Means, Cheque Truncation, Microfische, Note and Coin Counting Devices.
Module F: Risk Management and Legal Framework in IT
National ICT Policy 2002, ICT Act-2006, Bangladesh Bank Guidelines, Cyber Law
1 Bajwa K.S. Bank Mechanisation (Skylark Publication).
2 Different journals and periodicals on computer.
3 Hunt R. and Shelley J. Computer and Common Sense (Prentice-Hall of India Private Limited, Latest Edition).
4 Lipis, Marschall, Linkers Electronics Banking (John Wiley and Sons).
5 Rangarajan Committee Report Mechanisation and Automation in the Banking Industry, Reserve Bank of India (1984).
6 Rajgopalan R. Understanding Computer (Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co. Ltd.)
7 Study of Use of Modern Tools in Banking (Indian Banks Association, 1993).
8 Srivastava Computer Application in Banks (Bankers Training College, Reserve Bank of India).
Full Marks : 100
Module A: Definition and Scope of Management Accounting
The Place of Management Accounting/Short comings of The Traditional Methods of Credit Analysis
Its Definition and Scope, Distinction Between Financial Accounting and Management Accounting Role of Management Accountant Analysis and Interpretation of Finance Statements.
Planning Process
Setting of Objectives
Module B: Costing and Pricing
Methods of Costing Classification of Costs Implication of Costing for Bankers
Objectives of Pricing Common Misconceptions in Pricing Cost, Volume, Profit Relationship Break-Even Analysis Limitations of Break-Even Analysis Planning for Profit.
Module C: Budgeting and Expenditure
Importance of Budgeting
Objectives of Budgeting Preparation of Budgets Importance of Budgets to Bankers, Standard Costing Control Through Budgets.
Method of Appraisal; Shortcomings of Appraisal Methods Capital Budgeting Its Importance to Lending Banker.
Module D: Planning for Liquidity
Cash Flow Forecast Objectives of Cash Flow Preparing A Cash Flow Forecast/Using The Cash Flow/Cash Flow Forecast and Lending Banker.
Statement of Sources and Application of Funds
Module E: Working Capital Management
Factors Affecting Working Capital Requirements Short Term Financial Forecasts Assessment of Working Capital Production and Operating Cycle Inventory Management Cash and Receivables Managements Methods of Financing Working Capital Different Forms of Bank Credit Management Reports Types of Information and its Relevance to Banks
Module F: Leasing and Hire Purchase
Financing Against Lease Forms of Lease Financing Economics of Leasing-Financing against Hire Purchase Agreements Relative Merits of Leasing Finance and Hire Purchase Finance from Customer"s and Lending Bank"s Point of View
1 Bhattacharya, S. K. and John Deanden Accounting for Management : Texts & Cases Hingorani & Chawla. Management Accounting (Indian Institute of Bankers, Published by Himalaya Publishing House, Mumbai, India).
2 Egginton, D. A. Accounting for the Banker, (Longman).
3 Fisher, J. Financial Analysis and Management Accounting for the Banker (The Institute of Bankers in Scotland).
4 Kuchhal, S. C. Financial Management An Analytical & Conceptual Approach.
5 Khan, Md. Mainuddin Advanced Accounting (Ideal Library Dhaka).
6 Pitcher, M. A. Management Accounting for the Lending Bankers.
Full Marks : 100
Module A : Introduction to Central Banking
Central Bank in The Financial System, Evolution, Characteristics, Objectives, Philosophy and Functions of Central Banks, Relationship Between Central Bank and Govt., Central Bank and Commercial Banks, Modern Central Banking, Autonomy of Central Bank, Separation Between Supervisory and Monetary Authorities.
Module B : Supervision of Financial Institutions
Theory, Objectives and Agencies of Bank Examination/Regulation, Methods of Bank Examination, On Site and Off-Site (CEMELS Rating), Deposit Insurance and Bank Failures. Risk Management and Internal Control Mechanism. Basic Guidelines on Bank Supervision, Supervision of Non-Banks & Other Financial Institutions.
Module C : Monetary Policy
Money and is Functions, Demand for and Supply of Money, Multiple Deposit Creation, Determinations of Money Supply, Monetary Base and Money Multiplier, Conduct of Monetary Policy-Tools, Targets, Goals and Monetary Transmission Mechanism.
Module D : Central Banking and Monetary Management in Bangladesh
Bangladesh Bank order, 1972; Prudential Regulation, Monetary Policy of Bangladesh.
Module E : Exchange & Reserve Management
Exchange Rate Policy, Fixed & Floating Rate, Relationship with International Monetary Intuitions, Foreign Currency Investment.
Module A : Introduction to Central Banking
Central Bank in The Financial System, Evolution, Characteristics, Objectives, Philosophy and Functions of Central Banks, Relationship Between Central Bank and Govt., Central Bank and Commercial Banks, Modern Central Banking, Autonomy of Central Bank, Separation Between Supervisory and Monetary Authorities.
Module B : Supervision of Financial Institutions
Theory, Objectives and Agencies of Bank Examination/Regulation, Methods of Bank Examination, On Site and Off-Site (CEMELS Rating), Deposit Insurance and Bank Failures. Risk Management and Internal Control Mechanism. Basic Guidelines on Bank Supervision, Supervision of Non-Banks & Other Financial Institutions.
Module C : Monetary Policy
Money and is Functions, Demand for and Supply of Money, Multiple Deposit Creation, Determinations of Money Supply, Monetary Base and Money Multiplier, Conduct of Monetary Policy-Tools, Targets, Goals and Monetary Transmission Mechanism.
Module D : Central Banking and Monetary Management in Bangladesh
Bangladesh Bank order, 1972; Prudential Regulation, Monetary Policy of Bangladesh.
Module E : Exchange & Reserve Management
Exchange Rate Policy, Fixed & Floating Rate, Relationship with International Monetary Intuitions, Foreign Currency Investment.
1 Ahmed, A.K.N. Of Deregulation and Central Bank Autonomy. University Press Ltd, Dhaka.
2 Bangladesh Bank Publications.
3 BIS. Core Principles for Effective Banking Supervision.
4 Dekock, M.H. Central Banking
5 Mishkin, Frederic, S. The Economics of Money, Banking and Financial Markets. Harper Collins, New York.
6 Sheng, Andrew. Bank Supervision. Principles and Practice. EDI Working Paper.
7 Smith, Gray. Money, Banking and Financial Intermediation. Heath and Company, Lexington, D.C.
8 Vittas, Dimitri. Financial Regulation. The World Bank, Washington.
Full Marks : 100
Module A: Agriculture Finance
Need for Agricultural Finance, Institutional and Non-Institutional Sources, Types of Agrifinance-Crop and Non-Crop, Agro-Based Project Financing - Procedures and Collaterals in Agrifinance Problems of Agrifinance. Role of Commercial Bank and Specialized Banks in Agrifinance Recovery of Agricultural Credit Public Demand Recovery Act.
Module B: Evolution of Micro Credit
Historical Development of Micro Credit, Micro Credit and Micro Finance, Micro Credit and Poverty Alleviation.
Module C: Policy and Legal Framework
Regulatory Requirements and Policy Support for the Development of the Micro Finance Activities, Government Policy and Legal Framework Regarding Micro Finance in Bangladesh, Role of Government and Central Bank Micro Credit Regulatory Authority (MRA) in Bangladesh.
Module D: Micro and Rural Financial Products and Services
Credit-Requirements of Collateral Security, Collateral Substitutes, Saving-Compulsory Deposit System, Insurance, Payment Services, Social Intermediation, Enterprise Development Services, Cash Flow Analysis.
Module E: Micro Financial Institutions (MFIs)
Micro Financial Institutions and their Objectives, Target Market and Impact Analysis, Formal, Semi-Formal and Informal Financial Institutions, Institutional Growth and Transformation, Linkages Among Different Types of MFIS and Between Banks and MFIS. Social Services of the MFIS.
Module F: Performance Assessment
Repayment Rates, Financial Viability, Profitability, Leverage and Capital Adequacy, Borrowers Viability and Poverty Alleviation.
Module G: Role of MFIs in Rural Finance and Poverty Alleviation in Bangladesh
Role of BKB, RAKUB, Grameen Bank, BRAC, ASA, PRASHIKA, BRDB and PKSF as the Micro/Rural Financial Institutions in poverty alleviation
Module A: Agriculture Finance
Need for Agricultural Finance, Institutional and Non-Institutional Sources, Types of Agrifinance-Crop and Non-Crop, Agro-Based Project Financing - Procedures and Collaterals in Agrifinance Problems of Agrifinance. Role of Commercial Bank and Specialized Banks in Agrifinance Recovery of Agricultural Credit Public Demand Recovery Act.
Module B: Evolution of Micro Credit
Historical Development of Micro Credit, Micro Credit and Micro Finance, Micro Credit and Poverty Alleviation.
Module C: Policy and Legal Framework
Regulatory Requirements and Policy Support for the Development of the Micro Finance Activities, Government Policy and Legal Framework Regarding Micro Finance in Bangladesh, Role of Government and Central Bank Micro Credit Regulatory Authority (MRA) in Bangladesh.
Module D: Micro and Rural Financial Products and Services
Credit-Requirements of Collateral Security, Collateral Substitutes, Saving-Compulsory Deposit System, Insurance, Payment Services, Social Intermediation, Enterprise Development Services, Cash Flow Analysis.
Module E: Micro Financial Institutions (MFIs)
Micro Financial Institutions and their Objectives, Target Market and Impact Analysis, Formal, Semi-Formal and Informal Financial Institutions, Institutional Growth and Transformation, Linkages Among Different Types of MFIS and Between Banks and MFIS. Social Services of the MFIS.
Module F: Performance Assessment
Repayment Rates, Financial Viability, Profitability, Leverage and Capital Adequacy, Borrowers Viability and Poverty Alleviation.
Module G: Role of MFIs in Rural Finance and Poverty Alleviation in Bangladesh
Role of BKB, RAKUB, Grameen Bank, BRAC, ASA, PRASHIKA, BRDB and PKSF as the Micro/Rural Financial Institutions in poverty alleviation
1 Annual Reports of BKB, RAKUB, PKSF, Bangladesh Bank Credit Norms etc
2 Ledgerwood, Joanna, Micro Finance Handbook- An Institutional and Financial Perspective, The World Bank Washington D.C
3 Wood, Geoffrey D and Sharif, Ifath A, (Ed.) Who Needs Credit-Poverty and finance in Bangladesh, UPL, Dhaka.
Full Marks : 100
Module A: Role of SME
Role of SMEs in The Economic Development of Bangladesh, Policy Environment and Initiatives of SMEs, Experiences of SME Foundation.
Module B: Sources and Modes of SME Finance
Role of FIs, Bangladesh Bank Guidelines, Equity Entrepreneurship Fund (EEF), NGOs, Venture Capitalists and Informal Sector.
Module C: Formulation of Business Plan and Project Appraisal for SMEs
Essentials of Business Plans Sector Specific Requirements Project Appraisal Marketing Aspect, Technical Aspect, Financial Aspect, Cash Flow Analysis, Financial Projections, Cost of The Project and Means of Financing, Break-Even Point, Capital Budgeting Techniques, NPV, BCR and IRR, Assessment of Working Capital, Assessment of Risks, Identification and Selection of Entrepreneurs.
Module D: Operational Procedures in SME Financing
Asset Based Financing, Factoring, Leasing, Tripartite Agreements, Documentation and Creation of Charges on Securities, Repayment Schedule of Loans, Monitoring and Counseling.
Module E: Consumer Banking
Overall Objectives, Critical Elements of Consumer Banking, Consumer Banking Products, Operational Aspects, Legal Framework and Bangladesh Bank Guidelines.
Module F: Recovery of SME and Consumer Credit
Identification of Non-Performing Loans, Procedures Relating to Recovery- Legal and Non-Legal aspects.
Module A: Role of SME
Role of SMEs in The Economic Development of Bangladesh, Policy Environment and Initiatives of SMEs, Experiences of SME Foundation.
Module B: Sources and Modes of SME Finance
Role of FIs, Bangladesh Bank Guidelines, Equity Entrepreneurship Fund (EEF), NGOs, Venture Capitalists and Informal Sector.
Module C: Formulation of Business Plan and Project Appraisal for SMEs
Essentials of Business Plans Sector Specific Requirements Project Appraisal Marketing Aspect, Technical Aspect, Financial Aspect, Cash Flow Analysis, Financial Projections, Cost of The Project and Means of Financing, Break-Even Point, Capital Budgeting Techniques, NPV, BCR and IRR, Assessment of Working Capital, Assessment of Risks, Identification and Selection of Entrepreneurs.
Module D: Operational Procedures in SME Financing
Asset Based Financing, Factoring, Leasing, Tripartite Agreements, Documentation and Creation of Charges on Securities, Repayment Schedule of Loans, Monitoring and Counseling.
Module E: Consumer Banking
Overall Objectives, Critical Elements of Consumer Banking, Consumer Banking Products, Operational Aspects, Legal Framework and Bangladesh Bank Guidelines.
Module F: Recovery of SME and Consumer Credit
Identification of Non-Performing Loans, Procedures Relating to Recovery- Legal and Non-Legal aspects.
1 Bangladesh Bank reports
2 Reports of SME Foundations
Full Marks : 100
Module A: Islamic Economics
Islamic Economics- Meaning and Scope, Nature of Economic Laws, Islam and Other Economic Systems, Consumption and Production in Islam, Distribution of Wealth in Islam, Trade and Commerce in Islam, Islamic Approach to Money, Banking and Monetary Policy.
Module B: Interest in Islam
Interest in Islam, Meaning of Riba, Conceptual Issues Related to Riba, Comparative Difference Between Interest and Profit, Classical and Keynesian Views on Interest.
Module C: Islamic Banking
Objectives and Functions, Global Experiences, Operational Mechanism of Islamic Banking System of Guarantee, Non-Banking Services of Islamic Banks, Islamic Bank and Central Bank, Conventional vis--vis Islamic Banking.
Module D: Deposit Mobilization Process
Wadia and Mudraba Accounts their Characteristics and Mode of Operations.
Module E: Investment and Operation of Islamic Banks
Musharaka, Mudaraba, Murabaha, Bai-E-Muazzal, Bai-E-Salam, Hire Purchases, Quarz E Hasana, Lease Finance, Auction Investment, Syndicated Investment, Term Investment.
Module F: Fund Management in Islamic Banking
Asset Liability Management (ALM), Liquidity Management, Liquidity Versus Profitability, Liquidity Theories and Islamic Banking Risk Management in Islamic Bank.
Module G: Foreign Exchange Operation of Islamic Bank
Import and Export Financing, Methods of Trade Payments Exchange Rates Applicable Rates for FEX Operations.
Module H: Central Banking in Islamic Framework
Central Banking in Islamic Framework Monetary Policy in Islam Banking Supervision.
Module I: Rural Finance, Welfare and Ancillary Services of Islamic Banking
Module J: Role of Shariah Council
Need for Shariah Board Relationship with Board of Directors and Central Bank, Power and Function of Shariah Councils.
Module K: Experience of Islamic Banks at National and International Level
Module A: Islamic Economics
Islamic Economics- Meaning and Scope, Nature of Economic Laws, Islam and Other Economic Systems, Consumption and Production in Islam, Distribution of Wealth in Islam, Trade and Commerce in Islam, Islamic Approach to Money, Banking and Monetary Policy.
Module B: Interest in Islam
Interest in Islam, Meaning of Riba, Conceptual Issues Related to Riba, Comparative Difference Between Interest and Profit, Classical and Keynesian Views on Interest.
Module C: Islamic Banking
Objectives and Functions, Global Experiences, Operational Mechanism of Islamic Banking System of Guarantee, Non-Banking Services of Islamic Banks, Islamic Bank and Central Bank, Conventional vis--vis Islamic Banking.
Module D: Deposit Mobilization Process
Wadia and Mudraba Accounts their Characteristics and Mode of Operations.
Module E: Investment and Operation of Islamic Banks
Musharaka, Mudaraba, Murabaha, Bai-E-Muazzal, Bai-E-Salam, Hire Purchases, Quarz E Hasana, Lease Finance, Auction Investment, Syndicated Investment, Term Investment.
Module F: Fund Management in Islamic Banking
Asset Liability Management (ALM), Liquidity Management, Liquidity Versus Profitability, Liquidity Theories and Islamic Banking Risk Management in Islamic Bank.
Module G: Foreign Exchange Operation of Islamic Bank
Import and Export Financing, Methods of Trade Payments Exchange Rates Applicable Rates for FEX Operations.
Module H: Central Banking in Islamic Framework
Central Banking in Islamic Framework Monetary Policy in Islam Banking Supervision.
Module I: Rural Finance, Welfare and Ancillary Services of Islamic Banking
Module J: Role of Shariah Council
Need for Shariah Board Relationship with Board of Directors and Central Bank, Power and Function of Shariah Councils.
Module K: Experience of Islamic Banks at National and International Level
1 Ahmed, Shaikh Mahmud. Towards Interest Free Banking. International Islamic Publisher, Delhi
2 Choudhury, Masudul Alam. Money in Islam, Routledge, London
3 Hasan, Kabir M. A Text Book on Islamic Banking
4 Hoque, Ataul, Readings in Islamic Banking Islamic Foundation Bangladesh
5 Mannan, M A, Islamic Economics- Theory and Practice, New Delhi, India
6 Rahman, M.M and Rahman, B.M.H. Islamic Finance System
7 Shaghil, M, Islamic Economics New Delhi, India
Full Marks : 100
Module A : Investment Banking
Investment Banking Functions and Score Investment Setting Investment Return and Risk, Asset Allocation, Security Market Instruments.
Module B : Primary Security Markets
Management of Capital Issues, Undertaking, Issue of Prospectus, Private Placement, Mutual Fund (open ended and closed ended)
Module C : Secondary Market
Dealing vs Brokering- Dealer Activity-Managing Dealer Risk-Financing Dealer Inventory- Brokerage Activity, Possible Abuses by Brokers, Security-Market Indicators. Central Deposit, Stop Exchange.
Module D : Portfolio Management
Introduction to Portfolio Management, Some Background Assumptions, Asset Pricing Models, Efficient Capital Markets.
Module E : Portfolio Analysis
Financial Statement Analysis- Major Financial Statement, Analysis of Financial Ratios, Economic Analysis, Relating Economic Analysis to Efficient Market, Forecasting Tools, The Nature of Effective Economic Forecast, Industry Analysis, Company Analysis.
Module F : Technical Analysis
Concepts of Technical Analysis, Challenges to Technical Analysis, Advantages, of Technical Analysis, Technical Trading Rules and Indicators.
Module G : Security Valuation
Security Valuation Overview of the Valuation Process. Theory of Valuation, Bond Fundamentals and Valuation of Bonds-Computing Bond Yields. Valuation of Equities.
Module H : Lease Financing
Concept of Lease Different Forms of Lease Financing vs. Operating Leaser Financing Evaluating Lease Financing in Relation to Debt Financing : Lessees Perspective-Financing Evaluation : Lessees Perspective Advantages of Lease Financing. Practices of Lease Financing in Bangladesh.
Module I : Investment Banking Structure in Bangladesh
Structure, Legal Framework, Performance, Role of SEC (Prevention of Insider Lending and Investor Protection), ICB (Institutional Investor), DSE and CEC Corporate Merger, Restructuring, Acquisition, Corporate Advisory
Module A : Investment Banking
Investment Banking Functions and Score Investment Setting Investment Return and Risk, Asset Allocation, Security Market Instruments.
Module B : Primary Security Markets
Management of Capital Issues, Undertaking, Issue of Prospectus, Private Placement, Mutual Fund (open ended and closed ended)
Module C : Secondary Market
Dealing vs Brokering- Dealer Activity-Managing Dealer Risk-Financing Dealer Inventory- Brokerage Activity, Possible Abuses by Brokers, Security-Market Indicators. Central Deposit, Stop Exchange.
Module D : Portfolio Management
Introduction to Portfolio Management, Some Background Assumptions, Asset Pricing Models, Efficient Capital Markets.
Module E : Portfolio Analysis
Financial Statement Analysis- Major Financial Statement, Analysis of Financial Ratios, Economic Analysis, Relating Economic Analysis to Efficient Market, Forecasting Tools, The Nature of Effective Economic Forecast, Industry Analysis, Company Analysis.
Module F : Technical Analysis
Concepts of Technical Analysis, Challenges to Technical Analysis, Advantages, of Technical Analysis, Technical Trading Rules and Indicators.
Module G : Security Valuation
Security Valuation Overview of the Valuation Process. Theory of Valuation, Bond Fundamentals and Valuation of Bonds-Computing Bond Yields. Valuation of Equities.
Module H : Lease Financing
Concept of Lease Different Forms of Lease Financing vs. Operating Leaser Financing Evaluating Lease Financing in Relation to Debt Financing : Lessees Perspective-Financing Evaluation : Lessees Perspective Advantages of Lease Financing. Practices of Lease Financing in Bangladesh.
Module I : Investment Banking Structure in Bangladesh
Structure, Legal Framework, Performance, Role of SEC (Prevention of Insider Lending and Investor Protection), ICB (Institutional Investor), DSE and CEC Corporate Merger, Restructuring, Acquisition, Corporate Advisory
1 Different Publications of SEC, DSE and CSE.
2 Francis, J.C.-Investment (McGraw Hill, Singapore).
3 Hirt, G. A. ad Stanley B. Block-Fundamentals of Investment Management (IRWIN, U.S.A.)
4 Public Issue Rules, 1998.
5 Reily, Frank, K. and Edger A. Norton-Investments (The Dryden Press, U.S.A.)
6 Securities & Exchange Ordinance, 1969.
7 Sharpe, W.F.-Investments (Prentice-Hall Inc., U.S.A.)
8 Avw_K cwZ b AvBb, 1993
9 wmwKDwiwUR I GP Kwgkb (wgDPzqvj dv) (1993 mvbi 15 bs AvBb)
10 wmwKDwiwUR I GP Kwgkb AvBb, 1993 (1993 mbi 15 bs AvBb)
PAPER 6(f): TREASURY MANAGEMENT (Optional Subject)
Full Marks: 100
Chapter 1 Introduction to Treasury
Function of Treasury
The Market
Key Variables in Treasury Management
What is Liquidity
The Role of Central Bank
Treasury as a profit center of the bank
Chapter 2 Reserves
Operational Reserve
Statutory Reserve Requirement
Government Securities
Chapter 3 Asset Liability Management
Liquidity Management
Tools of Liquidity Management
Balance Sheet & Capital Planning
Transfer Pricing of Assets & Liability
Chapter 4 Foreign Exchange Management
Fx Markets
FX Quote Conventions
Net Open Position
Assessing Exposure to Risk
Forward & FX Swap Pricing
Foreign Exchange Trading
Chapter 5 Money Market
Money Market Instruments
Participants of Money Market
Treasury Bill Market of Bangladesh
Repo & Reverse Repo
Chapter 6 Fixed Income
Fixed Income Market
Fixed Income Instruments
Bond Pricing & Yield to Maturity
Duration & Convexity
Primary & Secondary Market
Chapter 7 Basic Derivatives
FX Derivatives
Interest Rate Derivatives
Commodity Derivatives
Credit Derivatives
Chapter 8 Market Risk Management
Risk Factors in a Bank
FX Risk Management
Interest Rate Risk Management
Risk Management Limits & Reporting
Implication of Basel II
Chapter 1 Introduction to Treasury
Function of Treasury
The Market
Key Variables in Treasury Management
What is Liquidity
The Role of Central Bank
Treasury as a profit center of the bank
Chapter 2 Reserves
Operational Reserve
Statutory Reserve Requirement
Government Securities
Chapter 3 Asset Liability Management
Liquidity Management
Tools of Liquidity Management
Balance Sheet & Capital Planning
Transfer Pricing of Assets & Liability
Chapter 4 Foreign Exchange Management
Fx Markets
FX Quote Conventions
Net Open Position
Assessing Exposure to Risk
Forward & FX Swap Pricing
Foreign Exchange Trading
Chapter 5 Money Market
Money Market Instruments
Participants of Money Market
Treasury Bill Market of Bangladesh
Repo & Reverse Repo
Chapter 6 Fixed Income
Fixed Income Market
Fixed Income Instruments
Bond Pricing & Yield to Maturity
Duration & Convexity
Primary & Secondary Market
Chapter 7 Basic Derivatives
FX Derivatives
Interest Rate Derivatives
Commodity Derivatives
Credit Derivatives
Chapter 8 Market Risk Management
Risk Factors in a Bank
FX Risk Management
Interest Rate Risk Management
Risk Management Limits & Reporting
Implication of Basel II
Category: DAIBB Syllabus