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International Trade & Foreign Exchange (FE) question 2012 - November 2017

Prominent Banker | 11:17 PM | 0 Comments

Banking Diploma Examination, November, 2017
International Trade & Foreign Exchange (FE)
Time- 3 hours
Full marks-- -100
Pass marks-50
[N. B. The figures in the right margin indicate full marks. Answer any four questions from group A and one question from group B
Group A

Write short notes on any five of the following:—
a)  Brexit;
(b) Combined Bill of Landing;
(c) Foreign Exchange Regulations in Bangladesh;
d)  Consular Invoice;
e)  Bill of Entry;
f) Packing Credit;
g)  Asian Development Bank.
2. Briefly describe the types of credit facilities offered by the banks to their clients engaged in import trade. Identify the risks associated with import financing and the ways these risks can be minimized.
3.            Describe the mechanisms for receiving payments against exports                                            5x4= 20
from Bangladesh under the following arrangements:-
(a)  Letter of Credit; (b) Bills for collection; (c) Consignment Sale; (d) Advance payment.
4.            How does a transferable letter of credit operate? Describe the                                 10+ I0=20
obligations and rights of the negotiating hank under this type of credit.
5.            Flight of capital from Bangladesh to Switzerland and other                                   10+ 10= 20
centres is a matter of serious concern liar Bangladesh. What are the likely causes for this phenomenon? What are your suggestions to stop the capital flight?
6.            Describe the main features of foreign exchange market in                                       12+ 8=20
Bangladesh. Offer your suggestions to make the market more meaningful to meet the needs of the banks and clients for both spot and forward transactions.
7.            What kind of exchange rate policy is being currently followed by the authorities in Bangladesh? Do you think Bangladesh taka should be devalued to improve export performance and the flow of remittances from our nationals working abroad?
8.            Trace the effects of smuggling of goods across Indo Bangla                          10+ 10 =20
border. What measures can be taken to curb this trend?
Group B
9. Please calculate the selling exchange rate of your bank for Euro using the following data :--
Euro 1 =USD 1.1742-1.1642
US$ 1 = Tk. 78.5030-78 7070
Your margin of profit per Euro—1/ 8 %  
SWIFT charges — 1/12 % per Euro.

10. Please calculate the exchange rate for buying a 120 day bill                                                   20
denominated in pound sterling using the following parameters
£ 1 = $ 1.4947 - 1.4957
$ 1 = Tk. 78.9020-78.10
Transit period 10 days
Interest rate 10% p.a
Profit margin per pound sterling Tk. 0.10

(Assume 360 days a year.)

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About author:
Author is a banker and blogger. He writes on Banking diploma and professional certifications for bankers such as CDCS, CAMS etc. Now serve in a large private bank of Bangladesh.


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