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Banking Diploma Management Accounting (MA) question July 2018

Prominent Banker | 1:26 PM | 0 Comments

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Banking Diploma Examination, July, 2018
Management Accounting (MA)
Time-3 hours and 30 minutes
Fun marks---100
Pass marks-50
[N. B.-The figures in the right margin indicate full marks. Answer any five questions. Different parts of a question should be answered in a same place. Use of calculator is permissible. ]
1. (a) Discuss briefly the role of Management Accounting in planning, control and decision making a in bank with examples relevant to your answer. 7
    (b) Describe briefly the uses and limitations of financial statement analysis. 7
    (c) Distinguish between Management Accounting and Financial Accounting. 6

    2. (a) Discuss the difference between Product Cost and Period Cost. 5
      (b) Cost department of the ABC Company made the following data and cost available for the year 201 7 :-
      Finished goods350 units450 units
      Work in processTk. 90,000Tk. 45,000
      Raw material’sTk. 35,000Tk. 50,000
      Finished goods unit cost162?
      Depreciation :
      Office equipment2800
      Factory plant and Machinery21500
      Vehicle engaged for marketing3200
      Maintains :
      Generation machine
      Factory building5200
      Internal roads and drain10000
      Sales @ Tk. 220 per unit8,53,600
      Income Tax paid5000
      Miscellaneous expenses and cost :
      Fuel (gas bill)4500
      Telephone factory6000
      Power for light (90% for factory, 10% for administration)3000
      Land, rates and taxes (80% factory, 20% office)4300
      Indirect materials2645
      Raw materials purchase3,64,000
      Direct labour1,62,500
      Wages paid to worker which there was no production due to power failure.17000
      Leave and bonus40000
      Factory office expenses :
      Factory foreman salary ‘ .6000
      Factory manager salary16000
      Truck, hire cost to carry purchased materials8000
      Purchase discount5200
      Marketing expenses20000
      Administration expenses15000
      Interest earned (aher tax deduction) .6000
      Required :
      (i) Statement of cost of goods sold. 8
      (ii) Income statement showing gross and net profit in total and per unit. 7

      3 (a) What is meant by working capital cycle?
        (b) Discuss the influence of factors in determining the working capital requirement of a manufacturing company.
        (c) Following is the cost statement of ABC Company :10
        Raw materialsT k. 50 per unit
        Direct labour costTk. 20 per unit
        Overheads costTk. 40 per unit
        Total costTk. 10 per unit
        ProfitTk. 30 per unit
        Selling priceTk. 140 er unit
        You are also given the following additional information :
        (i) Average Raw material, in stock . One month
        (ii) Average Raw materials in process Half a month
        (iii) Stock of finished goods 30 days
        (iv) 20% sales are cash sales . .
        (v) Expected cash balance Tk. 1,00,000
        (vi) Credit allowed to debtors Two months
        (vii) Credit allowed by creditors 45 days
        (viii) Time lag in payment of wages 15 days
        (ix) Time lag in payment of overhead 1 month
        (Note: 360 days in a year)
        You are required to prepare statement showing the working capital requirement if level of activity of the company is 70,000 units. Assume 360 days In a year.

        4 (a) Discuss the compensation strengths and weakness of the techniques of capital budgeting.4
          (b) The Commitment company is considering the purchases of new machine costing Tk. 20.00.000. The estimated cash benefits are : .
          YearCash benefits (in taka)
          The machine is to be depreciated on a straight line basis over a period of six years. The salvage value of the machine is expected to be Tk. 2,00,000. Assume a 35% tax rate and a cost of capital is 10%.
          Required :
          (i) Payback period.
          (ii) Average Annual Rate of Return (ARR).
          (iii) Net Present Value (NPV).
          (iv) Present value of payback period.
          (v) Profitability Index (131)
          (vi) Comment on financial viability of buying the machine.
          (The present values of Tk. 1 for six years at 10% are : 0.909, 0.826, 0.751, 0.683, 0.621, 0.564)

          5 (a) The Bay Shoe Company sells five different styles of shoes with identical costs and selling12 prices. The company is trying to find out the profitability of opening another store, which have the following expenses and revenues :-
            Per pairTaka
            Selling price30.00
            Variable cost19.50
            Salesmen’s commission1.50
            Total variable cost21.00
            Annual fixed expenses are :-
            Other fixed expenses20,000
            Required :
            (i) Calculate the annual break-even point in units and in taka sales. Also determine the profit or loss if 45,000 pairs of shoes are sold.
            (ii) The sales commissions are proposed to be discontinued, but instead a fixed amount of Tk. 54.000 is to be incurred in fixed salaries. A reduction in selling price of 5% is also proposed. What will be the Break-even point in unit and in taka sales?
            (iii) It is proposed to pay the store manager 50 paisa per pair as additional commission. The selling price is also proposed to be increased by l0%. What would be the Break-even point in units and in sales taka?
            (iv) Refer to the original data. If the store manager were to be paid 30 paisa (Tk. 0-30) commission on each pair of shoes sold in excess of the Break-even point. What would be store‘s net profit, if 50,000 pairs were sold?
            (v) Determine the point of indifference between commission plan and salary plan.
            (Note: Consider each part of the question separately.)
            (b) What are the assumptions underlying in construction of a Break-even chart? 4
            (c) “The effect of a price rise is always to increase the p/v ratio and to get reduced the Break-even point.” Explain the statement with example.

            6. XYZ Airport‘s Board of Representative is considering the construction of a longer runway at the airport. Currently, the airport can handle only private aircraft and small commuter jets. A new, long runway would enable the airport to handle the mid size jets used on many domestic flights.~ Data pertinent to the Board’s decision appear below :
              Cost of acquiring additional land for runway7,000,000
              Cost of runway construction20,000,000
              Cost of extending perimeter fence2,984,000
              Cost of runway lights3,960,000
              Annual cost of maintenance of new runway2,800,000
              Annual incremental revenue from landing fees4,000,000
              In addition to the preceding data, two other facts are relevant to the decision. First, a longer runway will require a new showplow, which will cost Tk. 10,000,000. The old showplow could be sold now for Tk. 1,000,000. The new, longer plow will cost Tk. 1,200,000 more in annual operating costs. Second, the Board of representatives believes that the proposed long runway and the major jet service it will bring to the airport will increase economic activity in the community. The Board projects that the increased economic activity will result in Tk. 6,400,000 per year in additional tax revenue for the airport. In analyzing the runway proposal, the Board has decided to use a 10 year life. The airport’s hurdle rate for capital projects is 12%.
              (a) Compute the initial cost of the investment in the long runway.
              (b) Compute the annual cost or benefit from the runway.
              (c) Prepare a net present value analysis of the proposed long runway.
              (d) Should the Board representatives approve the runway?
              1. The financial statements of LLM Company are presented below :
              LLM Company
              Income Statement
              for the year ended December 31, 2017
              Net Sales (All on account)
              Less : Cost of goods sold
              Gross profit
              Less : Operating expenses : Selling expenses60,000
              Administrative expenses25,000
              Total operating expenses
              Net operating income
              Less: Interest expenses
              Income before tax
              Less: Income Tax expenses
              Net Income
              LLM Company
              Comparative Balance Sheet
              on 31st December
              Assets :2014
              Accounts Receivable(Net)50,00035,000
              Merchandise Inventories95,00087,500
              Property, Plant and Equipment1,75,0001,95,000
              Accumulated Depreciation75,00060,000
              Total Assets3,80,0002,90,000
              Liabilities and Stockholder’s Equity :-
              Accounts Payable65,00082,500
              Income Taxes Payable37,50050,000
              Notes Payable50,00025,000
              Common Share
              Retained camings90,00070,000
              Total Liabilities and Stockholder’s Equity3,80,000290,000

              Additional Information:
              (a) During the year Plant and Equipment was sold for Tk. 25,000 cash.
              (b) The original costs of the assets were Tk. 37,500 and has a book value of Tk. 25,000 at time of sale.
              (c) Dividend of Tk. 25,000 were declared and paid.
              (d) Depreciation expenses altogether Tk. 27,500.
              (e) Additional equipment was purchased for Tk. 17,500.
              (f) In the year of 2017 LLM Company issued Bond to purchase land. These Bonds were exchanged with the land owner.

              (i) Prepare a statement of Cash Flow for 2017, under the direct method.
              (ii) Prepare a statement of Cash 1" low for 2017, under the indirect method.
              1. (a) What is profitability? How can a firm improve the profitability of a project? 5
              (b) Apex Company Ltd. operating at 80% level of activity produces and sells two products A and B. The cost sheet of these two products are as follows :
              Product (A)Product (B)
              Units products and sold600 units500 units
              Direct Materials (per unit)2.004.00
              Direct Labour (per unit)4.004.00
              Factory overhead per unit (40% iixcd)5.003.00
              Selling and administrative overhead (60% fixed)8.005.00
              Total cost per unit19.0016.00
              Selling price per unit23.0019.00

              Factory overheads are absorbed on the basis of machine hours which is the limiting (key) factor. The machine hour rate is Tk. 2 per hour. The company receives an offer from China for the purchase of product ‘A‘ at a price of Tk. 17-50 per unit. Alternatively, the company has another offer from Iran for purchase of product B at a price of Tk. 15-50 per unit. In both case a special packing charge 0f Tk. 0.50 per unit has to be borne by the company. The company can accept either of the two export orders and in both the case the company can supply such quantities as may be possible by utilizing the balance 0f 25% 0f its capacity.

              You are required to prepare:--
              (i) A statement showing the economics of the two export proposals giving your recommendations as to which proposal should be accepted.
              (ii) A statement showing the overall profitability of the company after incorporating the export proposal recommended by you.

              9. MML Company needs to expand its facilities. To do so, the firm must acquire a machine costing Tk. 80.000. The machine can be leased or purchased. The firm is in the 40% tax” bracket, and its after-tax cost of debt is 9%. The terms of the lease and purchase plans are as follows:
                Less: The leasing arrangement requires end of year payments of Tk. 19,800 over 5 years. All maintenance costs will be paid by the loser, insurance and other costs will be borne by the lessee. The lessee will exercise its option to purchase the asset for Tk. 24,000 at termination of the lease.

                Purchase: If the firm purchases the machine, its cost of Tk. 80.000 will be financed with a 5 year. 14% loan requiring equal end-of-year payments of Tk. 23,302. The machine will be depreciated under straight line method, assuming zero salvage value. The firm will pay Tk. 2.000 per year for a service contract that covers all maintenance costs; insurance and other costs will be borne by the firm. The firm plans to keep the equipment and use it beyond its 5 year recovery period.

                (a) Determine the after-tax cash outflows of MML under each alternative. 8
                (b) Find the present value of each after-tax cash outflow stream, using the after-tax cost of debt. 8
                (c) Which alternative lease or purchase--would you recommend? Why? 4

                10. Write short notes on any five of the following:-- 4x5=20
                  (a) Credit analysis and its shortcomings;
                  (b) Cost of capital and financial leverage;
                  (c) Budgetary control systems;
                  (d) Management report;
                  (e) Variance analysis;
                  (f) Inventory management;
                  (g) Hire purchase finance;
                  (h) Receivables management.

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                  About author:
                  Author is a banker and blogger. He writes on Banking diploma and professional certifications for bankers such as CDCS, CAMS etc. Now serve in a large private bank of Bangladesh.


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