DAIBB Central Banking & Monetary Policy (CMP) question 2016
Banking Diploma Examination, November-2016
Central Banking & Monetary Policy (CMP)
Time--3 hours
Full marks-100
Pass marks-50
[N.B. -- The figures in the right margin indicate full marks. Please answer any five questions. Question No. 1 and 2 are compulsory.]
1. Please write short notes on any five of the following :— 4x5.20
a) Money Multiplier;
(b) Bangladesh Bank Order, 1972;
(c) Bank Company (Revised) Act, 2013;
(d) Floating of Taka;
(e) Convertibility of Currency;
(f) Capital adequacy of banks;
(g) Green Banking;
(h) On-line Banking;
(i) Terms of Trade;
(j) IT risks for the banks and its monitoring.
2. Distinguish between any four of the following :— 5X4=20
(a) Merchant Bank and Offshore Bank;
(b) Money Laundering and Black Money;
(c) Tariff and Taxes;
(d) Repo Rate and Snake in the Tunnel;
(e) Reserve and Provision for Bad deb.;
(f) Spot Rate and Forward Rate of exchange;
(g) Depreciation and Devaluation of currency;
(h)Share and Debenture;
(i) Bridge Financing and Excess Liquidity;
(j) Venture Capital and Globalization.
3. (a) What is base money and how it is related to money.supply? 10
(b) Explain the mechanism through which Bangladesh Bank try to regulate the movement of base money. 10
4. (a) What is balance of payment disequilibrium? What is the role of International Monetary Fund in intigating adverse crisis in balance of payment?
(b) Discuss the salient features of balance of payment of Bangladesh in recent years. 10
5. (a) "Risk management is very important for banks and financial institutions to continue its activities while maximizing profits"— Discuss. 10
(b) How does Bangladesh Bank try to ensure internal control mechanism of Commercial Banks and Financial Institutions in Bangladesh? 10
6. (a) Assume that in the face of severe liquidity crisis, the competition of the banks is forcing the deposit rate upwards. What actions you will recommend for Bangladesh Bank to take? 10
(b) Do you think that your recommendation will not hamper the deregulation effect of the financial sector? Why? 10
7. What is money market? Discuss the present state of Capital Market in Bangladesh. What are the reasons behind the frequent fluctuations in Capital Market in Bangladesh in recent years? 20
8. (a) Explain the concept of "Prudential Regulation". Why these are issued? 10
(b) Why L/C margin is generally reduced at the time of severe inflation 10 when credit restriction becomes necessary?
9. (a) "The task of Central Bank supervision of banks and Financial Institutions, basically aim at ensuring market discipline."—Do you agree? Please explain. 10
(b) Briefly highlight on the basic guideline that Bangladesh Bank follows in supervision activities. 10
10. Explain CAMEL Rating System. How it can be used by Bangladesh Bank as an effective tool for Bank Supervision. 10
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