DAIBB Management of Financial Institutions (MFl) question July 2018

Prominent Banker | 12:36 AM | 0 Comments

Ka Set
Banking Diploma Examination, July, 2016
Management of Financial Institutions (MFl)

Time-3 hours
Full marks-100
Pass marks- 50

[N.B. The figures in the right margin indicate full marks. Answer any five questions.]
1 (a) Give an overview of the present situation of Banking sector of Bangladesh.
b) Discuss on 'the role of Central Bank is perfect' as a regulatory body.
c) Does Bangladesh need more banks? Justify your arguments. 5

2. (a) What do you mean by AD ratio? 5
(b)  How its changes impact bank's Liquidity and assets management portfolios
(c) What is meant by interest rate spread? 5

3 (a) Explain components of CAMELS Rating.                           8
(b) How CAMELS Rating helps to measure financial soundness of a bank?
(c) What is Stress Testing? 4

4(a) What are the causes of nonperforming loans?                      l0
(b/ What are the impacts of bad loan. on banks profitability?       5
(c) Explain the impact of classified loans on interest rates of banks       5
and financial institutions.

5 (a) What do you mean by Islamic Banking? 5
(b) What are the deposits and loan components of  islamic Banking? . l0
(c) Why AD Ratio is different for Islamic Banks? 5

(6 (a) State the main services provided by Agent Banking.                             6
(b) What do you mean by e-commerce? 6
(c) What do you mean by interoperatibility of Mobile Financial Services? What might be its benefits?

[Please turn over]

7 (a) what are the credit risk mitigation techniques of a Financial Institution?
(b) How profitability irnpacts banks' capital account
(c) What are the main sources of fund of financial institutions?

8 (a) Discuss the main features of BASEL III.
(b) Write the importance of loan securitization.
(c) Discuss loan classification and its provisioning.

9 (a) what are the major financial statements prepared by a commercial bank? Describe the purposes of preparing each statement.
(b) Define money laundering and its steps.
(c) Describe :

(i) IP and PEPS;
(ii) KYC and KYE;
(iii) EDDI
(iv) Beneficiary Owners.

10. Write short notes (any eight):-                20
(a) Crypto currency;
(b) NPSB;
(c) Off-shore Banking
(d) SMS Banking;
(e) Trade Base Money Laundering
(f) Insurable interest;
(g) Market Risk; 
(h) Shell Bank
(i)Collateral Security:
(j) Core Capital;
(k) BFIU;
(l) Option.


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About author:
Author is a banker and blogger. He writes on Banking diploma and professional certifications for bankers such as CDCS, CAMS etc. Now serve in a large private bank of Bangladesh.