JAIBB Organization and Management Question July 2018

Prominent Banker | 11:30 PM | 0 Comments

Ka Set

Banking Diploma Examination, July, 2018
Organization & Management (OM)
Time—3 hours
Full Marks—100
Pass mark—50
 [N.B.—The figures in the right margin indicate full marks. Answer any five questions.]

1. (a) What is meant by organizational behavior? ‘“
(b) What are the features of organizational behavior? ,
(c) Explain the ways of managing diversity in the workplace.

2. (a) What is meant by e-commerce? State its features,
(b) What is meant by on-line banking? State its merit and demerits.
(c) What threats are now being faced by the commercial bank in using IT technology? Discuss.

3. (a) What is optimum span of supervision?
(b) Discuss the factors to be considered in determining optimum span of supervision.  
(c) Describe the ways of relieving an overburdened executive.

4. (a) Discuss the required qualities of a successful leader .
(b) Describe the different patterns of leadership. .‘
(c) State the contingency theory of leadership.

5. (a) What is job satisfaction?
(b) Describe the influencing factors of job satisfaction.
(c) “A happy employee is a productive employee”—Explain.

6. (a) Compare among strategic plan, tactical plan and operational plan.
(b) Distinguish between line and staff relationship.
(c) Make differences between delegation of authority and decentralization.

7. (a) Define ethics and business ethics
(b) Explain ethical guideline for managers
(c) Discuss the ways of ethical management.

8. (a) “The ultimate result of motivation is satisfaction”— Explain.
(b) Discus the relationship between motivation and morale.
(c) Describe the expectancy theory of motivation.

9. (a) What is grievances? ‘
(b) Describe the procedure of grievance handling.
 (c) Discuss the way of removing grievances.

10. Write short notes on any four of the following—
 (a) Job Analysis;
 (b) Scalar chain;
 (c) Standing plan;
 (d) Strategic Business Unit (SBU);
 (e) Gantt Chart;
 (f) VisIon-21.

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About author:
Author is a banker and blogger. He writes on Banking diploma and professional certifications for bankers such as CDCS, CAMS etc. Now serve in a large private bank of Bangladesh.