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JAIBB Question Laws and Practice of Banking(LPB) November-December 2019

Prominent Banker | 8:34 PM | 0 Comments

Laws and Practice of Banking question

The Institute of Bankers, Bangladesh (IBB)
Banking Diploma Examination November-December 2019
JAIBB Question Laws and Practice of Banking(LPB)
Time -3 Hours

Full Mark - 100
Pass mark - 50

(N. B. The figures in the  right margin indicate full marks. Answer any five questions of which two must be from Group B.]

                                            Group A                            

1. Write short notes on any five of the following: 4x5=20
(a) SLR
(b) Limitation Act
(c) Real Time Gross Settlement
(d) Legacy Account
(f) Currency Chest
(g) Lease Finance
(h) Conversion
2. You are in the account opening department of your branch. One day three prospective customers approach you to open accounts with your branch for their business. Mr. A is the owner of OP Enterprise, Mr. B is the Managing Director of QR Service Limited., Mr. C is the chairman of a co-operative society.
(a) What type of account(s) you will suggest them to open with your branch for ensuring a long run business relationship and why?
(b) State the name of all documents that each one of them has to provide for opening the accounts.
(c) How will you open a Minor’s Account as per Negotiable Instrument Act 1881?

3. (a) Bring out clearly the main difference between the Statutory Liquidity Ratio (SLR) and Cost Reserve Ratio (CRR).

(b) What is a Bank Rate? What is the Present Bank Rate in Bangladesh? Does change in the bank rate have any impact on the overall economy by Bangladesh? Discuss.

4. (a) What is Banking Lien?
    (b) What is the liability of a banker to honour the cheque of his customer? What are the exceptions in case of which a banker can dishonour the cheque of a customer even if there is available balance in his account?
(c) Mr. Rahim enjoys credit facility from your branch against pledge of commodities. Mr. Rahim’s account shows a debit balance of Tk. 75000 including interest. Despite repeated notices served by the bank to adjust the account, the borrower does not respond to bank’s notice. After serving the final notice you have sold the pledged goods at Tk. 50,000. There is no other security for you to fall back upon for recovery of the remaining liabilities of the Customer. What would you do in this situation?

5. (a) What is meant by a collecting bank? What are the duties and responsibilities of a collecting bank?

(b) Can a collecting bank accept an uncrossed cheque for collection? What happens if the uncrossed cheque is accepted and its endorsement is forged’?

(c) A pays into his bank a cheque drawn on another banker payable to B and crossed “Not  Negotiable”. Should A’s bank take such a cheque notwithstanding such a crossing? Give reasons.

6. Please give the appropriate answers to each of the following:

(i) Which court is entitled to deal with the trial of a case under Artha Rin Adalat Ain 2003?
(a) The Court of Judicial Magistrate (b) Thc Court of Session Judge
(c) The Court of District Judge (d) The Court of Joint Session Judge

(ii) In which court an appeal should be filed against the judgement of the Session Court?
(a) The Court of Joint-Session (b) The Court of Additional Session Judge
(c) High Court Division a (d) The Court of Judicial Magistrate

(iii) In which court an appeal should bc filed against the judgment of the Joint Session Court?
(a) The Court of Session Judge (b) The Court of Additional Session Judge
(c) High Court Division (d) The Court of judicial Magistrate

(iv) What is the amount of money (in percentage term) to be deposited to file an appeal under the Artha Rin Ada tat Ain 2003?
(a) 30%  (b) 50% (c) 75% (d) 100%

(v) How many sections are there in the Artha Rin Adalat Ain 2003?
(a) 55 (b) 60 (c) 40 (d)138

(vi) Which of the following is not a step in the Money Laundering Process?
(a) Placement (b) Layering (c) Spending (d) integration

(vii) Within how many days a cheque dishonour case under section 138 of Negotiable Instrument Act 1881 be filed after serving legal notice?
(a)50 days (h)30 days (c) 15 days (d)35 days

(viii) Which of the following terms is used to describe the Money Laundering Process of channeling money through multiple financial Institutions to make it difficult to track?
(a) Integration (b) Placement (c) Camouflage (c) Layering

(ix) Money Laundering is the process by which the proceeds of criminal activity are channeled into legitimate mainstream of financial channel by hiding the source.
(a) True (b) False

(x) A customer of your branch suddenly approaches you four days in a row requesting each time transfer of Tk. 8,00,000. You do not need to report this asva suspicious transaction.
(b) True (d) False

7. Distinguish between any four of the following:
(a) Holder iii due course and holder for value
(b) Authorised capital and paid up capital
(c) Broad money and narrow money
(d) Crossed cheque and bearer cheque
(e) Money market and capital market
(f) Sight bill and usancc bill
(g) Commercial bank and specialized bank

                                                                Group B

8. (a) What is mortgage? What are ihe rights and obligations of mortgager and mortgagee?

    (b) Mr. Rahim has been enjoying credit facilities against equitable mortgage of his landed
property valued Tk. 5.00.000. Since no mortgage deed was executed and no mortgage was registered. Mr. Rahiin enjoyed credit facility from Agrani Bank against registered mortgage of the same property. In order to recover the defaulted loan for Mr. Rahim, banks filed suit to gain title on the equitably mortgage property, Sonali Bank objects and pleaded that the land is already mortgaged to them duly registered.

9. (a) Discuss the importance of KYC to prevent money laundering and terrorist financing.
What are the documents needcd to verify KYC?

(b) What do you mean by predicate offence? Mention the mimes of 10 (ten) predicate offence as per Money Laundering Prevention Act.

10. (a) What is mean by a company under Company Act 1994.

(b) Distinguish between a Private Limited Company and a Public Limited Company.

(c) Select the most appropriate answer: -
(i) A minor can open and operate in uk own name if hc has attained the age of (w) 12 years (x) 16 years     (y) 15 years (z) 18 years.
(ii) When a person in his life time appoints another person to operate his account after his death the appointed person is called : (x) Executor (y) Administrator (z) Attorney.

(iii) A joint account can he opened by a banker on receive of application signed by—
  • (a) A majority of the joint account holders
  • (b) Any member of the joint account holders
  • (c) All the joint account holders
(iv) A bank maintains an account in the name of A and B payable jointly. On the death of A the balance in the account is payable to (x) B (y) A’s legal Representative (z) B and A’s legal representative jointly.

(v) A minor cannot—(a) accept a bill (b) draw a bill (c) endorse a bill.

11. (a) Does the Bangladesh Bank have the authority to cancel the licence of a Financial Institution? If yes, what are the grounds for which Bangladesh Bank can do so as per Financial Institution Act 1993?

(b) According to the Financial Institution Act 1993 what authority can Bangladesh Bank impose on a Financial institution?

(c) What is Liquid Asset? According to Financial institution Act which assets can be categorised as Liquid Asset?

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About author:
Author is a banker and blogger. He writes on Banking diploma and professional certifications for bankers such as CDCS, CAMS etc. Now serve in a large private bank of Bangladesh.


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