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Lending Operation And Risk Management (LRM) question November 2017

Prominent Banker | 12:32 AM | 0 Comments


Banking Diploma Examination, November, 2017 
Lending Operation And Risk Management (LRM) 

Time-----3 hours
Full marks---100

Pass Marks-----50
[N.B.------Answer any five questions.]

1. (a) What do you mean by surveying a branch area.? Why it is so important in preparing a business plan of a branch.? Please discuss.
(b) As a newly posted branch manager, based on the survey data, you are advised to prepare a business plan for your branch for the year 2017-2018.
2 (a) Discuss different types of security documents those a bank usually obtain at the time of disbursement of credit from a borrower.
(b) Most of the banks accept land as collateral Security against loans. List down the name of the lands those cannot he accepted as security and why cannot be taken as security, discuss the causes.
Define ALM. and ALCo. Do you think that absence of effective ALM of a bank may lead it to different crisis geopardising, image and foundation of the bank. Please elaborate your answer.
Please sholArthe thrmation of ALCo of your bank and write the role and responsibilities of ALCo.
4 istinguish between money market and capital market. Do you think
that increased . call money rate can influence capital market? In what way? Please speci
Do you suggest any amount of investment in carAtal market by Commercial Bank? Justify your answer.
Distinguish between trading loan and working capital loan. Discuss the importance of working capital loan to an industrial enterprise.
Please furnish a sample of working capital assessment for a textile industry of 100 (hundred) loam.
What is loan syndication? How does it work? Explain its merits and demerits.
(b) Suppose, the .government has decided to implement. Dhaka-Gazipur Metro rail road through syndicate financing. 9 (nine) banks agreed to finance the . project through syndicate financing. .Please prepare a syndicate financing project proposal.

Lending operation question Nov 2017

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About author:
Author is a banker and blogger. He writes on Banking diploma and professional certifications for bankers such as CDCS, CAMS etc. Now serve in a large private bank of Bangladesh.


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